Pedagogical Development Grants are available for the following projects:
- Attending conferences on teaching, learning, and/or the scholarship of teaching.
- Developing new courses or revising existing ones, and for new pedagogical projects for use in the classroom.
The Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) will make awards totaling up to $1,000 to an individual per academic year. Awards will not be given by both Faculty Development and the Teaching and Learning Committee for the same conference/workshop/meeting. Choose the funding method that best suits your request, please.
- Help sponsor visiting speakers who bring expertise in some area of teaching and learning and who will appeal to a broad audience.
All faculty members on full-time appointments are eligible for these grants. Part-time faculty, instructors, and others will be considered eligible with the Provost’s approval. Faculty with endowed chair funds or Hutchcroft funds are eligible for TLC funding.
Please complete this electronic form for your grant application.
If you have any questions, please contact the 2022-2023 committee chair Josh Moon.