About the Committee

The members of TLC for 2022-2023

Karyn Boatwright, Robin Rank, Josh Moon, Candace Bailey Combs, Petra Watzke, Brian White, Ivett Lopez Malagamba, Rick Barth (ex officio).

What TLC does:

The Committee’s charge is to support faculty development in learning-centered teaching in the following ways:

  • Provide grants to enable faculty to take advantage of off-campus opportunities to enhance teaching;
  • Sponsor visiting speakers who bring expertise in some area of teaching and learning;
  • Collaborate with other campus groups on projects related to teaching and learning;
  • Develop and promote new programs designed to enhance learning-centered teaching.
  • Encourage the College to support, acknowledge, and value the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Faculty Development proposals, in retention, tenure and promotion files, and in leave proposals.
  • Survey the faculty to ascertain teaching needs, interests, and concerns.
  • Examine curricular and course structures – in light of teaching and learning issues – and create pedagogical and course design initiatives to enhance teaching development and student learning.
  • Act as the planning committee for the fall Teaching and Learning Symposium, the purpose of which is to launch each academic year with a half-day devoted to dimensions of teaching and learning informed by recent scholarship and practice.
  • Act as the planning committee for the annual Teaching and Learning Workshop for new faculty, a multi-day workshop of microteaching activities informed by recent scholarship and practice.
  • Supervise the Teaching and Learning website of the College, acting as the clearing committee for new content.
  • Consult with the Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Assessment on ways to support teaching and learning at the College.
  • Oversee and implement the Golden Apple Project for graduating seniors.